Various funding agencies:

1. NMDFC (National Minority Development and Finance Corporation)
2. NBCFDC (National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation)
3. NSFDC (National Scheduled Caste Finance & Development Corporation)
4. NSKFDC (National Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation)

5. NSTFDC (National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation)
6. Government of Kerala.


1. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt.of India (WCD)

The Department of Women and Child Development was set up in the year 1985 as a part of the Ministry of Human Resource Development to give the much needed impetus to the holistic development of women and children. With effect from 30.01.2006, the Department has been upgraded to a Ministry.


2. Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt of India

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is an Indian Government Ministry. The ministry is entrusted with the welfare, social justice & empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalised section of the society viz, Scheduled Caste, Backward Classes, Persons with Disabilities, Aged Persons, and victims of Drug Abuse etc. Basic objective of the policies, programmes, law and institution of the Indian welfare system is to bring the target groups into the main stream of development by making them self-reliant.


3. National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)

National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation is a Public Sector Undertaking under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt.of India. The main objective of NMDFC is to encourage economic development of the notified minorities i.e. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis specifically “Backward Section” amongst the minorities, preference being given to the occupational groups and women.


4. National Backward Classes Finance & Development Corporation (NBCFDC)
National Backward Classes Finance & development Corporation is a Public Sector Undertaking under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt.of India. The main objective of NBCFDC is to encourage economic development of Backward Classes and to assist the poorer section of these classes in skill development and self employment ventures. NBCFDC provides financial assistance through State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the State Governments/UTs. NBCFDC also provides Micro Financing through SCAs/ Self Help Groups (SHGs).


5. National Scheduled Caste Finance & Development Corporation (NSFDC)

The National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation (NSFDC), an ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company, was set up by the Government of India in February, 1989 under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. The broad objective of NSFDC is to finance for the economic empowerment of persons including skill up-gradation belonging to the Scheduled Caste families living below double the poverty line.


6. National Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation (NSKFDC)

National Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation is implementing various loan and non-loan based schemes. Under Loan based schemes, NSKFDC provides financial assistance to the Safai Karamcharis, Scavengers and their dependents for any viable income generating schemes including sanitation related activities. The schemes/programmes of NSKFDC are implemented through various State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the State Govts./UT Administrations,  Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and some Nationalised Banks.


7. National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC)

National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC), an apex Organization under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in 2001 was brought into existence with the sole aim of economic upliftment of the Scheduled Tribes in the country by way of extending concessional financial assistance to the target group under its various schemes.

The prominent schemes of NSTFDC are Term Loan, Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana – an exclusive scheme for Scheduled Tribe women, Adivasi Shiksha Rinn Yojana – Education Loan scheme, Micro Credit Scheme for Self Help Groups (SHGs) – comprising Scheduled Tribes as its members, Tribal Forest Dwellers Empowerment Scheme and Teak Growers Scheme.



1. The Department of Women and Child Development

The  Department of Women and Child ensuring the holistic, physical, psychological, cognitive and emotional developments of women and children and a gender sensitive family, community, programme and policy for the development and protection of women and children.

The Department of Women and Child Development provides policy guidance, designs targeted programs and projects for women and children, strengthens capacity development for gender and child rights mainstreaming, coordinates, monitors and evaluates effective service delivery, all for the empowerment of women and children


2. Social Justice Department

Social Justice Department working with the concept of welfare state is underpinning socio-economic development plans of Kerala Government. The department is working hard for the upliftment of marginalized groups and to provide justice to the victimized. The Directorate of Social Justice under the Department is the nodal agency for implementing the social welfare schemes of the State Government and various welfare schemes of the Government of India.


3. State Planning Board, Govt. of Kerala

The State Planning Board was constituted on September 1967 as an advisory board under Govt. of Kerala. The Board was formed with a view to enable the State Government in formulating development plans based on a scientific assessment of the resources of the State. The board was assigned the task of preparing the Annual Economic Review to be presented along with the Budget Document to the State legislature.


4. Local Self Government Department 

Kerala State has 941 Grama Panchayats, 152 Block Panchayats, 14 District Panchayats, 87 Municipalities and 6 Corporations. Consequent to the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution, the three-tier system came into existence in India.


5. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development

The classes, which are included in Section 341 and 342 of the Indian Constitution respectively, are known as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The Central/ State Governments have implemented many programmes for the upliftment of these sections that are economically, socially, educationally backward. Hence under the government of Kerala, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Department works for the upliftment of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
