e- Tenders

Sl.No.DateTitleTender Notification NumberClosing DateTender
410-Nov-2023 17:00 pmE Tender for Information Guide Cum Diary 20242023_KSWDC_621149_118-Nov-2023 05:00 PMView
318-May-2018 05:00 PMSupply of Sanitary pads supply and installation of
Incinerator in the schools all over the state of Kerala
2018_KSWDC_205280_108-Jun-2018 04:00 PMView
215-Nov-2017 05:00 PMShe Toilets2017_KSWDC_168468_108-Dec-2017 05:00 PMView
103-Oct-2017 05:00 PMInformation Guide Cum Diary 20182017_KSWDC_155160_119-Oct-2017 05:00 PMView